Category:verbs[ 190 entries ]

1zhàngto measure4
2上网shàng wǎngto go online4
3上课shàng kèto attend class3
4下课xià kèto finish class3
5chéngto ride4
6to practice(1)2
7mǎito buy2
8买单mǎi dānto pay the restaurant bill5
9jièto introduce4
10介绍jiè shàoto present4
11付款fù kuǎnto pay(2)5
12付费fù fèito pay(1)5
13to use(1)4
14休息xiūxito rest1
15zhùto live3
16zuòto do2
17供应gōng yìngto supply5
18dǎoto fall5
19dàoto invert5
20倒车dǎo chēto change transport (2)5
21zuòto make2
22做饭zuò fànto cook3
23停车tíng chēto pull over5
24cuīto hasten5
25光临guāng línto attend5
26miǎnto avert5
27xīngto rise4
28xiěto write2
29准备zhǔn bèito prepare4
30chūto come out2
31出去chū qùto go out3
32出发chū fāto start (on a journey)5
33出差chū chāito go on a business trip5
34出租chū zūto rent4
35dàoto arrive3
36shuāto brush5
37刷牙shuā yáto brush your teeth4
38jiāto add4
39加油jiā yóuto add oil4
40努力nǔ lìto strive4
41bāoto wrap2
42wèito guard4
43to go (1)2
44参观cān guānto visit5
45to develop5
46biànto transform4
47jiàoto call1
48吃饭chī fànto eat3
49tīngto listen3
50听说tīng shuōto hear (something being said)4
51wěnto kiss5
52告诉gào suto tell4
53chàngto sing4
54唱歌chàng gēto sing a song4
55喜欢xǐhuānto like1
56huíto return3
57回来huí laito come back4
58回答huí dáto reply3
59to seek5
60zuòto sit3
61坐飞机zuò fēi jīto take a plane3
62xuéto learn2
63学习xué xíto study (1)2
64ānto install5
65安家ān jiāto settle down4
66安心ānxīnto be at ease5
67安排ān páito arrange5
68wánto finish3
69完成wán chéngto complete4
70dìngto set4
71to reside2
72工作gōng zuòto work2
73希望xī wàngto hope2
74dàito bring4
75bāngto help4
76kāito open2
77开会kāi huìto hold a meeting5
78开始kāishǐto start1
79zhāngto spread4
80wǎngto go in a direction5
81dàito stay4
82wàngto forget4
83to consider4
84xiǎngto want (2)2
85dǒngto understand4
86chéngto succeed4
87to hit3
88打折dǎ zhéto give a discount5
89打电话dǎ diàn huàto make a telephone call3
90sǎoto sweep5
91扫描sǎo miáoto scan5
92zhǎoto look for4
93找一下zhǎo yī xiàto find (3)4
94找一着zhǎo yī zháoto find (2)4
95找着zhǎo zháoto find (1)4
96zhéto break5
97bàoto announce3
98chōuto draw out4
99抽时间chōu shí jiānto try to find the time to4
100担心dānxīnto worry5
101guǎito turn5
102拿走ná zǒuto take away4
103huànto exchange5
104jiēto receive4
105miáoto copy5
106放假fàng jiàto have a holiday5
107jiāoto teach3
108散步sàn bùto go for a walk4
109yǒuto have1
110服务fú wùto serve5
111láito come1
112cháto check (2)5
113to compare4
114没有méi yǒuto not have2
115to wash4
116洗澡xǐ zǎoto bathe4
117洗碗xǐ wǎnto wash dishes4
118洗脸xǐ liǎnto wash your face4
119kǎoto roast2
120爬山pá shānto climb a mountain2
121wánto play(1)3
122玩儿wán rto play(2)3
123shēngto be born2
124yòngto use(2)5
125直达zhí dáto go nonstop to5
126kànto look2
127看懂kàn dǒngto understand what one is reading or watching4
128看见kànjiànto see1
129睡觉shuìjiàoto sleep1
130zhīto be aware4
131知道zhī dàoto know3
132穿chuānto wear5
133to answer4
134suànto compute4
135练习liàn xíto practice(2)4
136shàoto continue4
137jīngto pass through4
138结账jié zhàngto pay the bill5
139继续jì xùto continue (2)4
140翻译fān yìto translate5
141kǎoto check (1)4
142聊天liáo tiānto gossip4
143to dance(1)4
144营业yíng yèto do buisiness5
145xíngto go (2)5
146yàoto want (1)3
147guānto watch1
148觉得jué deto think3
149jiěto divide5
150解决jiě juéto resolve4
151计划jì huàto plan4
152dìngto agree4
153认识rèn shito recognize3
154ràngto yield4
155jiǎngto explain4
156shìto test4
157试穿shì chuānto try on clothes5
158shuōto speak(1)2
159说话shuō huàto speak(2)5
161请客qǐng kèto invite to dinner4
162to read2
163to study (2)4
164购物gòu wùto shop4
165zǒuto run3
166zǒuto walk3
167走路zǒu lùto walk(2)3
168to raise1
169起床qǐ chuángto get out of bed3
170pǎoto escape4
171tiàoto jump4
172跳舞tiào wǔto dance(2)4
173zhuǎnto transfer4
174转车zhuǎn chēto change transport (1)5
175to reach5
176guòto cross4
177运动yùn dòngto exercise3
178sòngto deliver3
179送给sòng gěito send3
180guàngto stroll5
181逛街guàng jiēto take a walk4
182wènto ask (2)2
183wénto smell5
184to require4
185需要xū yàoto need4
186fēito not be2
187预订yù dìngto place an order4
188fēito fly5
189to ride (an animal or bike)4
190to ride (a bike or animal)4